Substance Abuse Treatment Detox

Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction begins with detoxification, commonly known as detoxification. For patients to move to either an inpatient or outpatient treatment program, the detox procedure purges the body of addictive substances.…

How to Handle the Dark Days of Depression

Depression is an often debilitating disorder that affects millions of people in the country. The experience with depression can vary widely. Some people feel depressed only occasionally when they are in a certain situation. Something like a…

What Are the Different Stem Cell Types?

If you’ve ever considered undergoing regenerative medicine, also known as stem cell therapy, for a health condition or to maintain optimal health as you age, you may have wondered how many types of stem cells the human body contains. It’s…

5 Tips For Keeping Your Memory Sharp

The older we get, the more our memory starts to degrade, in some cases, it can even lead to Alzheimers. However, it's never too late to start making improvements. Whether you live in an assisted living home, or you're still living at home…